Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sam's Medical School Interviews

Thankfully, the medical school application process has gone much smoother the second time around! Sam turned in his applications pretty much right when they were available and that combined with an improved MCAT score and other additional experience has helped a lot.

So far, Sam has interviewed at TCOM, UT San Antonio, Texas A&M (all those first three were in Texas), AT Still (Arizona), and Midwestern (Arizona). He also has an interview scheduled at the University of Utah next week (on Halloween of all days!). We are so grateful and excited for the interviews he has had! He has loved getting to see the different campuses, get to know students and faculty, and just get a feel for what medical school will be like. From what we understand, the first two years are fairly busy and difficult (those years are in the classroom), the third year is very busy and demanding (1st clinical year), and the fourth year is a little more laid back (2nd clinical year). The interview season continues until January or February, so there is still a chance he may interview at a few more schools before then.

Sam with a fellow applicant, interviewing at TCOM this past August

Sam really liked all the schools he interviewed at, with the exception of AT Still in Arizona. He just didn't love the atmosphere and vibes there in regards to a few things. Other than that, he feels like he would happily go anywhere he has interviewed!

He has been accepted to three schools so far, and we are so excited! He was first accepted to AT Still and Midwestern and then just last week received word that he is also accepted to TCOM. TCOM was one of his favorite schools he interviewed at, and it also has the bonus of having the very affordable Texas tuition (<$20,000/year compared to >$60,000/year for the other two schools he has been accepted to).

All three of the schools he has been accepted to so far are DO schools. If you ask google what the difference is between an MD and a DO school it says: "Other than teaching osteopathic manipulative medicine, the medical training for an MD and DO is virtually indistinguishable." Essentially it is the same degree, just slightly different emphasis between the two.

At this point, Sam is very open to going to a DO school but probably still slightly prefers an MD school based on the fact that he hopes to specialize (right now he is leaning toward radiology), and DO schools are more focused toward primary care physicians (family doctors, pediatricians, obgyns, etc.). So if he ends up getting into one of the MD schools he interviewed at (or will interview at), he will most likely choose to go there. However, we are excited that he has been accepted to TCOM (in Fort Worth, Texas) which is our first choice right now. He will still have the option to specialize if he goes to a DO school, it will just be a little more competitive to do so. 

We are so excited to know that he will for sure be attending medical school this year and be able to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a doctor! Most schools have orientation beginning in July, so we will most likely move to our new home at the end of June or very beginning of July. Our new baby will be about three months old, so hopefully that gives us enough time to get into the swing of things before moving. :) Sam has worked so hard for this, and I know he will do a great job wherever he ends up going!

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