Friday, November 25, 2016

Baby #2 Pregnancy Update (Weeks 18-22)

How far along: 22 weeks

Total weight gain: 12 lbs. (although I haven't checked since Thanksgiving to see the damages haha!)

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s): We got to have our big anatomy ultrasound at 21 weeks, and it went well! Baby boy is measuring BIG, so they want to see me back for another ultrasound at my next appointment to possibly change my due date. We also weren't able to get a clear picture of his face, so the tech will check that next time as well. Overall, he looked healthy and strong, and we are so grateful! It was surprising to me to hear that he was big! Claire always measured right on for her due date and weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. when she was born (one day late). It will be interesting to see how big this little guy is! I do feel like my belly is bigger this time around. Hopefully everything goes smoothly at our next ultrasound and everything looks great. I will also do the glucose tolerance test at my next appointment. So far my thyroid has been good, and I haven't had to adjust my medication at all. I never had to during Claire's pregnancy either--I'm so grateful that has worked out so well! 

Maternity clothes: Yep! About in the same boat as last month. I am starting to live in maternity leggings and dresses. I'm all about comfort :)

Stretch marks: I got pretty bad stretch marks the very last week I was pregnant with Claire :/ They are still there, but nothing new to report.

Sleep: I sleep pretty well, not great, but not terrible. I always get up at least once to use the bathroom and feel like I never get into a super deep, relaxing sleep because I am always having the craziest (weirdest!) dreams. Thanks to my body pillow I am pretty comfortable though.

Aches/Pains: I had some back pain (particularly on the right side) and some cramping for a few days straight (right around the 21 week mark). It was a little alarming and frustrating, but I tried to drink lots of water and rest up (and not pick up Claire quite as much), and I have felt a lot better the last few days. 

Best moment so far: Sam has gotten to feel some kicks, which is always fun, and our 21 week ultrasound was great!

Movement: Starting to feel lots of big movements! So fun! I would say I've been feeling definite movement since about week 18 and really strong big kicks and rolling around the last two weeks or so. This baby feels like he is sitting a lot lower than Claire was.

Not really craving anything specific right now. I get hungry a lot but also get full quickly. My only real aversions are things that I make for Claire often that I made for her when I was feeling really sick (i.e. animal crackers and frozen chicken nuggets)--I never really eat/have eaten either but it always grosses me out a little to make them for her.

Looking forward to: My next appointment and ultrasound at 25 weeks

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