Sunday, October 23, 2016

Baby Boy's Gender Reveal

We went to Fetal Foto with  Claire and had a great experience, so I was excited to do that again with this pregnancy. We went in at 16 weeks pregnant. Sam and I both thought the baby was a girl, probably just because that is what we are used to. So when we got to the ultrasound and within the first 30 seconds the tech said, "Are you ready?" and then told us, "It's a boy!!" We were a little shocked! It didn't sink in at all. The second she placed the ultrasound tool on my belly she was able to see what she needed to see and tell us right away. It all happened so fast! After sharing the news she continued the ultrasound and showed us some more fun pictures of our little guy, including his profile. We also got to see a cute little shot of his hand with five fingers and noticed he seemed to be sucking his thumb. He seemed pretty chill during the ultrasound, mostly just hanging out and stretching once or twice. It was so cute! The whole time we both just sat there a little shocked, letting the news sink in. I don't know why it was so surprising haha! I think it was the timing of when she told us that kind of through us for a loop. Sam and I didn't say much during the ultrasound, but Claire was chatty and so cute. She came and sat right by me and kept saying, "Mommy, are you scared? I will hold your hand!" She is so sweet to me. After the ultrasound, we told her she was going to have a baby brother and she thought about it for a minute and then said, "Or a sister!" Haha! It took her a while for it to sink in, but now she is so excited and talks about her baby brother all the time. She says she can't wait to say, "Boo!" and make him laugh :)

After the ultrasound, we went and bought a few things for a little gender reveal party we were doing for our families that night. It still didn't seem real to me as we picked out a little piñata and blue candy to go inside. We also got some blue balloons.

When we got home, Sam was playing with Claire, and I sat down to look at the ultrasound pictures more carefully. All of a sudden, I noticed how much the profile picture looked like Sam to me! It gave me butterflies. I ran in and showed Sam, and he just laughed. My mom and Sam's mom thought the same thing when we talked to them later that night. I felt such a connection to this sweet baby when I noticed that resemblance and started getting really excited about the idea of having a baby boy! Not that I wasn't excited to begin with, but I think the shock combined with the unknowns of raising a boy were making me a little anxious.

That night, we gathered with our families to share our fun news! We had a little bear piñata filled with blue candy that the kids took turns hitting until our niece Daci finally broke it open and the blue candy spilled out. Everyone was so excited! This will be the first grandson on my side of the family and the fourth on Sam's side (making it an even 4 boys 4 girls for his parents with grandkids). It was so much fun to be together with our siblings and parents and share in our excitement. We are all so excited to meet this baby boy this spring!!

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