Monday, August 31, 2015

Claire Turns 1!!!

We started the day with a little birthday breakfast: German pancakes with strawberries, whipped cream, and syrup. It was a hit!

We went on a family walk, Claire took a nap, I got ready for her party, and then we went to church. After church, it was time for the party! My parents were kind enough to let us party at their house. It was so much fun! We had all of Sam's family and all of my family there to celebrate our baby Claire. She is so loved!

Banner of her monthly pictures.

Claire with cousins Daci, Livvi, Eleni, and Street

Yay for cake! She loves to clap.

Opening one of her favorite presents, pink sunglasses!

It was such a special day for our beautiful, wonderful girl! We love you, Claire bear!!!

1 comment:

  1. Her party decor is amazing! And I loved the video you posted on insta of her cake smash. It seemed like she really enjoyed her cake. ;-)
