Monday, August 31, 2015

Claire @ 12 Months

Our baby girl is 1! She is so much fun right now! Her little personality just comes out more and more each day. I love it! If I had to sum her up in a few words right now they would be SILLY, FRIENDLY, & BUSY. She is always doing things that crack herself up, like in the bath this morning she was blowing bubbles and then making this funny little high-pitched noise and then laughing. It kills me! She is the best little side kick. Anyway, here is a little bit about our Claire bear at 12 months (+10 days)...

Eating: We transitioned Claire from Alimentum formula to almond milk right at the 1 year mark, and she has done pretty well on it. We have also started letting her try a lot more dairy, mainly cheese and yogurt, and she hasn't had any problems that we can tell, so we are going to try transitioning her to cow's milk since it seems nutritionally a little better for her than the almond milk to me. She has also dropped her daytime bottles and now just has an 8 oz. bottle in the morning and an 8 oz. bottle at bedtime. She eats 3 meals + 2 snacks and drinks water from a sippy cup during the day. This has been kind of hard transition for her, but she's doing pretty well. Some of her favorite foods are any kind of treat, obviously, shredded chicken, yogurt, pasta, and Nutrigrain bars. She's been pretty sensitive and fussy the last few weeks, but I'm not sure if that is a result of her feeding changes or her messed up sleep routine...

Sleep: She is at a hard stage where she doesn't always need two naps, but can't quite get by well on one because she won't take a long enough nap in the middle of the day. It's strange because her morning naps are usually 1 1/2-2+ hours, but if we skip that (because she won't go down/isn't tired enough) and wait until 12 or 1 to put her down, she only sleeps for 45 min-1 hr. Hopefully we can get it sorted out because she's been one cranky girl and waking up lots at night too. When she gets up at night, she just wants to be held and rocked. We had to laugh the other night when Sam got up with her: she was crying really hard, and when he picked her up she stopped crying right away and just pointed to the rocking chair. She knows what she wants, that's for sure! It's probably time to do a little cry-it-out again, but I like to make sure she's healthy and on a good schedule before we do that, and I just don't think we're quite there yet with all her dietary changes and everything going on. Hopefully soon!

Stats from dr. appt.: 21.67 lbs (77%) 31 inches (96.61%) Getting so tall!!

Development: She is talking WAY more all of a sudden. Here are some of her favorite words right now: hi! (while waving), bye, dada, mama, out, more (mo), all gone/done (gall-gone), kitty, yuck, etc. She is pretty good at trying to copy us if we ask her to say something. She can also do some animal sounds. Her favorites are kitty (mow), cow (mmmm), duck (quack, quack), and snake (ssss). She is walking pretty well but still seems to prefer to crawl. I think her record for walking is 10-12 steps in a row. She loves books, dolls, playing outside, frozen yogurt, eating/drinking anything that we're eating, being around other kids, and going to Grandma's house. Her only real dislikes are the car and having me leave (just starting to get some bad separation anxiety, hasn't really had that before now).

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