Thursday, July 2, 2015

Claire @ 10 Months

This is Claire's favorite position/trick/pose. She will randomly just whip it out and is so proud of herself. She thinks it so fun and silly if Sam or I go over and help her do a somersault. Future yoga junkie? :) Gymnast?

We've had another great month with our little Claire Bear! She is so much fun and growing so fast. Less than two months until her birthday!


I finally stopped pumping this month, well gradually over the last month or so. It has been so nice to just go and do what we want to do and not be lugging the pump around, but buying formula is expensive. At least it's just for about 2 months! Claire is on Similac Alimentum right now for a milk protein intolerance. (We're slowly trying to introduce Gerber Goodstart because it's cheaper, so I'll post on how that goes next month.) She usually drinks 4 bottles each day: 6 oz. when she wakes up, 5-6 ounces after her morning nap, 5-6 ounces in the afternoon, and 7-8 ounces at bedtime. She also eats 3 meals/day. For breakfast, she usually has scrambled eggs or oatmeal and bananas. For lunch & dinner, she either eats a baby food meal or an assortment of finger foods (fruits, veggies, shredded chicken, etc.). We haven't tried any dairy products with her yet and will probably wait until 1 year. She loves to eat and always wants whatever we're eating! She also loves to drink water from a cup or straw.


Claire usually takes two naps a day (10-11:30/12 & 3-3:30/4). She is starting to fight the 2nd nap a little, especially if she takes a long morning nap and sleeps well at night. She usually goes to bed at 8:15/8:30 and sleeps until 6:30/7:30. Sometimes she wakes up at night, but it's pretty rare and usually all she needs is a drink of water or to be held for a minute and she goes right back to sleep. We really never give her a bottle during the night. I'm so grateful she isn't too upset and doesn't need much when she does wake up!

Notes from dr. appt. & stats:

Everything at her 9 month appt. looked great. She got one shot and is now all caught up on immunizations. She weighed 20.46 lbs (79%) & was 29.25 inches tall (91%).


She is learning so much, so fast these days. I'll try to jot down a few fun things...
-Loves to copy actions and will pretty much mimic whatever you're doing if you ask her to
-Follows simple directions pretty well   ("Give me this," "Come here," "Can I have a kiss?" Etc.)
-Will sometimes repeat words back to us, but it's a little hit or miss. She's really good at "dada" and will sometimes also say "mom" or "mama," "tata" (Tara), "papa" (Grandpa), "hi," "bye," "out," "yay," and "beh" (Ben)
-She's gotten really good and fast with her walker and sometimes will stand on her own for a few seconds. She'd rather be standing than crawling, so maybe we'll have a walker soon.
-Her top two teeth are in the process of coming in right now!

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