Friday, June 5, 2015

Welcome Home Elder Lee!

It was so much fun to welcome my brother Benjamin home from his LDS mission in Ventura, California. It is obvious that he was a fabulous missionary. He has been such a good example to all of us since he's been home. Sam and I both commented that we want to just be around him as much as we can and soak in his goodness!

The day he flew in was such a fun day! My grandparents were in town and a big group from my dad's family also met us at the airport. Tara, my mom, and I made some signs the night before, and we brought those with us. The suspense was killing us as we waited for him to arrive. Seeing him, hugging him, and introducing him to Claire was so happy and fun!

It was very sweet and tender to see him get released by the Stake President later that afternoon. Ben was very emotional and sad to see that chapter of his life coming to a close. I was so impressed to see him take some time to go to his room once we got home and (he later told me) pray. He said he felt so much better and happier after that.

My grandma and mom made a wonderful dinner of ribs, baked potatoes, salad, and watermelon, and I made a texas sheetcake. It was extra fun because it happened to be my mom's birthday that day. I think getting Ben home was a pretty amazing present!

So happy to have him back!

Meeting for the first time! So fun!

Claire was so tired by the end of the day that I could even wake her up as I laid her on the changing table and got her ready for bed. That's saying something--this girl is not normally a heavy sleeper!

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