Saturday, March 21, 2015

Letters to Claire

March 21, 2015

My dear little Claire Bear,

My Sweetness. Pumpkin Pie. Sugar Plum. Honey Buns...All names I call you. You are the sweetest. :) I just love you more and more each day. You are almost 7 months old! How in the world did that happen?

You have had a hard couple of weeks. We think you're getting your first teeth, and you are just sad and only want ME to hold you all day long. It is exhausting but also melts my heart. I am so happy and overflowing with joy that you want me and love me most right now.

You love to be held but not snuggled. The only time I can get you to sit still and snuggle in my arms is if you're very sleepy or asleep. I savor those moments and love to kiss the soft little skin on your forehead, between your eyebrows. You are asleep on me as I write this, and I am just soaking in your squishy little hand on my chest, your fluffy, whisps of light brown curls growing in on your head, your little lips so dainty and perfect, your dark lashes, your sweet little pink nose, your round rosy cheeks, your squishable arm. And your smell, mmm, you smell so perfect.

When you are awake and in my arms, you are moving constantly in every direction. You like to climb your legs all the way up my stomach and then try to push off. You are so strong. If I'm wearing a necklace it's in your hands and then your mouth as soon as it catches your eye.

You are learning new tricks: to wave bye-bye and give kisses. Sometimes when I get you up from your nap you give me the sweetest kisses, and I could just eat you up I love you so.

You are my best little friend, Claire bear. I'm so grateful I get to spend all day every day with you. You make me so happy. My whole life I dreamed of having a baby girl, and you have made my dream come true. Your daddy and I love you more than you could ever know. Keep growing and learning my sweet baby girl!

Love you so much,


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