Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter & General Conference 2015

I love spring time in Utah so much! The weather has been just beautiful this year. We had a really mild winter, and I am so grateful. We have been able to play outside so much, and Claire just loves it. We tried something new this year for General Conference weekend: we just stayed home all weekend! It ended up being wonderful and something we want to make a tradition. We had fun spending time with family after the sessions were over each day, but Sam and I both felt like we got so much more out of the talks listening to them in the quiet of our own home. It worked out especially well since Claire usually naps around 10 am and 2 pm every day. She slept through a lot of it! It was awesome! I made a big breakfast on Saturday morning (egg casserole and cinnamon rolls) and then we went on a walk in between sessions.

Conference Sunday was Easter! It's fun when that happens. :) We stayed in our jammies most of the day and just watched Conference together. In between sessions, we broke out Claire's little Easter basket. She had fun, especially trying to eat the eggs. :) That evening, we had dinner at my parents' house and celebrated Tara and Danny's 14th birthday. It was a great day! I am so grateful for the Savior and that He lives, for my family, and for living prophets and apostles. Happy, happy, happy!

Cracks me up how into this book he is :)

These pictures (below) are from the Sunday before Easter when we celebrated with my dad's family at my nana's house in Provo:

Claire loves Tara

Claire and Josh

Claire and Sam with Nana Janet

Claire and Grandpa

Claire and Grandma (as usual, eating Grandma's necklace)

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