Thursday, March 12, 2015

Claire's Bedtime Routine


7:30- Bath--she likes it pretty warm, dry diaper with lots of desitin, lotion, jammies

*Put bottle in a cup of hot, hot water to warm up during bath time

8:00- 6 or 7oz. bottle in family room rocking chair

*If she is sound asleep after her bottle, you can just go put her in her bed ON HER TUMMY and cover her with her pink blanket. Just make sure the white noise and nightlight are on.) If not, read on...(ha!)

8:30- Bedtime -->

-turn on white noise and nightlight

-give her, her pink blankie and snuggle her over your shoulder while singing a song (we usually do "I am a child of God") --she is sometimes squirmy and crying at this point, but I just ignore it and sing anyway haha:)

-put her in her crib on her tummy and cover her with her blanket. Pat her back a few times and say night night. Close the door on your way out.

**Sometimes she goes right to sleep, other times she plays for 10-15 or cries for 5-10 min. and then goes to sleep. After she's asleep, sometimes I go in and cover her with the blanket  and/or flip her to her tummy if she's not on her tummy because she never does well on her back, but you don't have to do that if she seems comfortable where she is.

And that is the end of my novel. :)

(Not sure why her chin is so red. Silly, bearded girl. :))

Post-bath & bottle--zonked out : 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my... I love her chunk and rolls! Cutest little bum too. :)
