Friday, March 6, 2015

Claire @ 6 Months

This is such a fun age, and we are just loving it!

Still drinks 4-5 bottles of breast milk a day (5-7 oz. each)--yes, I am still pumping, and yes, it is crazy but I'm not ready to be done yet...

Doing really well with solids. She starts to get excited now when he gets in her high chair and sees me getting food ready for her. She kicks her legs and sometimes giggles. (Although as much as she likes food, she LOVES her bottle and prefers it to food.) So far she has tried...
-rice cereal
-apples, peaches, pears, bananas
-green beans & sweet potatoes

Out of those she seems to like pears best but will happily eat any of the above. We don't really do much rice cereal anymore because it was backing her up a bit, and it doesn't seem too nutrient dense to me. We have been waiting 3-5 days in between introducing new foods, and that is working well. No allergy issues yet. (Along those lines, she seems to have totally outgrown her sensitivity to dairy via my breast milk...can't remember if I mentioned this before, but I gradually started reintroducing dairy about a month ago and she has had no issues from what I can tell. Yay! Makes life so much easier for me.)

She LOVES spoons and will happily feed herself a bite if I put food on the spoon. She is constantly trying to grab the spoon as I feed her.

She also does pretty well with a sippy cup, particularly if she's reclined back in her swing or car seat, but she can occasionally do well with it in the high chair too.


No teeth yet! She is gnawing on stuff like crazy, but that's nothing new. No signs of teeth that we can see yet.

-She still sleeps through the night pretty consistently, but I would say she's having more wake-ups now than she did last month or the month before that. When she does wake up (generally around 10 or 11), usually all it takes is for me to hold her for a few minutes. She stops crying right when I pick her up. I think maybe she's just going through a clingy/attachment phase right now because she gets really nervous around new people too. If we notice she is waking up at the same time every night, and it seems like more of a habit developing than her really needing something, we let her cry it out. We just kind of play it by ear. As much as I love her to sleep soundly through the night, a part of me loves the snuggles too. She is not a cuddly baby when she's awake--she is too busy for that! :)

-Tara & Danny (and other kids/babies in general)
-Mom, Dad, and Grandma
-Her bottle (really warm)
-Pears & Oatmeal
-Jewelry or anything intricate
-Being held/talked to
-the Bjorne, her "happy place
-Sucking on/chewing on anything and everything
-Going new places/seeing new things--loves the mall and the grocery store

-Being held by someone she doesn't know
-Gets bored of her toys easily--jewelry and kitchen utensils are much more exciting!

New Tricks:
-Gives open mouth "kisses" to me and Sam when asked and smiles really big after when I say, "that's sooo nice."
-Getting steadier with sitting.
-Getting up on all fours a lot! She wants to crawl so bad but no luck yet.

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