Friday, August 22, 2014

39 Weeks

How far along: 39 weeks! (Let's hope this is my last post! :))

Total weight gain: 36 lbs. Yikes!

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s):  The doctor said I was 70-80% effaced and dilated to a fingertip--so maybe a tiny bit of progression from last week. Because I'm still not dilated much, he couldn't totally strip my membranes, but he tried to do a rough check and stretch my cervix a little. It's been about an hour since my appointment, and I haven't felt much going on at all yet but I have had a little bleeding.

-My blood pressure = 125/81 (I think I was nervous!)
-Baby's heart rate = 140
-Fundal height= 39 centimeters (Same as last week! I was surprised, but the doctor said it's normal and may just mean that the baby has moved around a little or is more scrunched up. I also feel like the baby has dropped a little, so maybe that makes a difference in the measurement.)

Maternity clothes: Yep.

Stretch marks: Yes :( I just noticed them this week on the lower part of my stomach. Oh well! They're kind of ugly, but it's worth it!

Sleep: Still sleeping about the same.

Aches/Pains: (The following may be a little TMI--it is for my personal records--read at your own discretion.) I felt like my cervix check at my 38 week appointment was a little rougher than the ones I'd had in the past were, but I was still surprised when I had quite a bit of brownish bleeding about an hour later. I was actually really startled to see blood because I hadn't had any bleeding at all my whole pregnancy up until that point. I called my mom, mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and doctor and they all assured me that it was normal at this point. I have continued to have brownish spotting since then and have felt a little uncomfortable and crampy at times--hoping that means something's going on down there, and this baby's almost ready to make her big debut! The bleeding lasted Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and a little bit on Monday.

Best moment this week: Probably my dr. appointment.

Miss anything: Rolling over easily in bed and sleeping on my stomach.

Movement: Maybe a little less movement. It kind of depends on the day.

Ice cream/frozen yogurt.

Looking forward to: Getting to use all the cute little outfits we've received and bought for baby girl!

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