Friday, August 15, 2014

38 Weeks

38 weeks. My belly's really starting to stick out there! 

How far along: 38 weeks!

Total weight gain: 34 lbs. (I want to just not include this part anymore..haha! But I know I'll want to remember for future pregnancies. Hate to see that number go up so much!)

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s):  Doctor appointment went well! So grateful! I wasn't dilated at all, which was not surprising but still a little disappointing. The doctor said he would strip my membranes is I was dilated at least to a one but no luck. :) He did say that baby is head down and  I was about 75% effaced and making some good progress, so that's good! Here are some other stats from my appointment:
*My blood pressure- 112/70
*Baby's heart rate- 144
*Fundal height- 39 centimeters (2+ centimeters from last week! Growth spurt! I am now measuring one week ahead of my due date--up until now I have been right on. Big baby in there!)

Maternity clothes: Yep. So bored of my clothes :)

Stretch marks: Nope.

Sleep: I have started having a little insomnia some nights, just feeling really anxious and excited to meet this baby! I still have hip pain, mostly my right hip when I sleep, but it usually goes away once I am up and moving during the day.

Aches/Pains: I really can't complain--I feel pretty good for the most part! Sometimes my back will get a little sore and sometimes my hips (see above), but it hasn't been constant or very bad. I also have a few braxton hicks (sometimes more) each day that are a little uncomfortable/crampy. Here's to hoping those start moving things along soon! :) I have also started having a little swelling in my feet, especially my right foot. It's not too bad and goes away if I lie down. It's pretty much isolated to my feet when it happens--my ankles still look normal for now.

Best moment this week: Probably my doctor appointment.

Miss anything: Being able to move around easily and put on my shoes easily. :)

Movement: Less movement generally, but strong movements when she does move. I think she is pretty squished in there.

 My frozen yogurt love is back in a bad way--I could eat it for every meal! (Not sure if this is pregnancy related or just me though. :))

Looking forward to: Holding my baby!

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