Friday, August 8, 2014

37 Weeks

Bathroom selfie at 37 weeks of my ever-expanding self :) 

How far along: 37 weeks!

Total weight gain: 32 lbs. (My goal was to gain no more than 30... :( I tried! Hopefully it doesn't go up too much from here.)

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s): My thyroid blood test and strep-b swab test from last week both came back with good results. My TSH level is at 1.66, and the strep-b test was negative. Yay! My doctor appointment went well overall: Still not dilated at all, which was not surprising. I do hope I start making some sort of progress, but it's all good! As long as she is happy and healthy in there, I am good. Sam starts school on September 2nd, so it would be great if she could come on or before her due date (August 29th) and not late--it's not up to us though, is it? :) I was measuring at 37 centimeters at this appointment (average for my due date); my blood pressure was 112/70, and baby's heart-rate was around 150. Doctor said everything looked great!

Maternity clothes: Duh. :)

Stretch marks: Nope.

Sleep: I still sleep OK. Same as last week--I get up a lot to use the bathroom, and sometimes my right hip gets really sore when I sleep on that side for too long.

Aches/Pains: Nothing new or noteworthy--overall, I'm feeling good! Just big and awkward!

Best moment this week: Getting the nursery all situated and all packed and ready for the hospital and baby girl to come!

Miss anything: Exercise and feeling fit. Being able to move around normally :)

Movement: Still moving lots and lots. I notice her especially on my right side a lot but really all over.

Nothing really in particular.

Looking forward to: Meeting this baby girl who's lived in my stomach for the last 9 months! I can't even imagine what it will be like to hold her for the first time. Eek!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your updates! You're getting so close and I can't wait to see pictures of your cute baby girl. I want to see pictures of the nursery all finished!
