Tuesday, September 16, 2014

40 Weeks

*I had this mostly written before I had the baby. so I figured I'd go ahead and post it. :)

How far along: 40 weeks--let's hope for real that this is the last pregnancy post! :) If I don't go into labor on my own this week, I will get induced on September 5th, at one week late.

Total weight gain: 38 lbs. Yikes :(

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s):  

Maternity clothes: I am so done with maternity clothes. Running out of stuff to wear.

Stretch marks: Yes :(

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well.

Aches/Pains: Lots of pressure and twinges of pain in my pelvis. Occasional cramping/braxton hicks but never with a pattern. Sore hips, especially my right. Swollen feet, especially my left.

Best moment this week: We had a couple cute/funny moments this week with Sam talking to my stomach. The first one was the end of last week. I hadn't felt much movement for a few hours and was feeling nervous. Sam was driving home from work, and I called him, pretty much in tears. He assured me that everything was fine and that he would be home soon. I still didn't feel much/any movement until he got home. When he did get home, he sat down and started talking to my stomach/baby--she started moving around right away. She loves her daddy! The second moment was last night. We randomly decided to watch our wedding video, which includes a slideshow of pictures of us growing up. It was so fun seeing pictures of us as babies, and we were talking about how fun it will be to see what our baby looks like. Just being goofy, Sam said to my stomach: "If you have dark hair, kick once." Right on demand, she gave a big kick. :) It was so cute and funny. Wonder if she'll have dark hair!

Miss anything: I miss not having puffy, flinstone feet. :) The problem is mostly in my left foot, and it is not pretty!

Movement: About the same. Maybe a little more active this week than last, actually. Love it when she moves a lot so I don't have to worry as much about her!

Nothing specifically.

Looking forward to: I am excited to say that within a week, one way or another, I will have a baby!!! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!!!

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