Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pregnancy Update #4: 25-28 Weeks

25-28 Week Update

How far along: 28 weeks. (3rd trimester! Yay!)

Total weight gain: 15 lbs.

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s): I had a doctor appointment at 26 weeks, and it went great! At this appointment they measured my fundal height for the first time, listened to the baby's heart-rate, did the glucose tolerance test, and checked my thyroid and for anemia. I was one day shy of 26 weeks at my appointment and was measuring at 26 centimeters, so right on track for my due date. I don't know what the baby's heart-rate was, but the doctor said it sounded great. It's always so exciting and relieving to hear that fast little heart-beat.

I was really nervous about the glucose test for some reason, but it was really no big deal. I had my appointment at 8:40 am, and I didn't end up eating anything before because I slept in. I drank the glucose drink on the way to my appointment (they had given it to me at a previous appointment). Someone had recommended refrigerating it and drinking it with a straw, both of which helped. I actually kind of liked it, sort of just a melted orange popsicle. The only hard part was finishing it within five minutes, which they ask you to do. I drank it at 8:30, and they took a blood sample an hour later.

Thankfully, all my lab results looked good!

Maternity clothes: Yep. My regular shirts, except for a few, aren't even really working out anymore. It's funny because there were a few pretty baggy shirts that I thought for sure I would be able to wear through the whole pregnancy...nope! Oh well, I am glad baby girl is growing big and strong! I'm hoping for a chubby baby :)

Stretch marks: Not yet!

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well thanks to my body pillow--so comfy!

Aches/Pains: More round-ligament pain and back pain around week 25--growing pains. Upper back pain/tightness (I think from sitting in my chair at work all day). Varicose veins (mostly my right leg) = achy legs, especially calves. No swelling though, so that's good! Overall, I am feeling good!

Best moment this month: Lots of big, strong kicks and seeing movement from the outside of my stomach. It's so funny to see my whole stomach go lopsided all of a sudden if she is pushing up against one side--I love it!

Miss anything: Just feeling "normal" physically.

Movement: The movement has continually gotten stronger over the past few weeks. Feeling the baby move around makes pregnancy so happy and fun! Even if I'm not feeling well, if the baby is really active, it makes me happy and so excited to meet this little girl.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really in particular. Just craving food in general. I feel like my appetite is enormous. Oatmeal, cereal, and toast pretty much always sounds good and so does fruit. I probably eat way too many carbs and sugars these days!

Looking forward to: Meeting this little baby girl in approximately 12 weeks! Getting closer!! Sam and I really get giddy just thinking about it. We are so excited!!!

24-25 weeks
Ignore the weird facial expression/ugly hair...:) This is at about 28 weeks!

First books for our baby girl! My aunt Kristi sent these in the mail, and we were so excited! We love to read and can't wait to read with baby girl! :)

Starting to gather a bunch of cute little clothes! We have the greatest family who have given us so many cute little things already!

The start to our little nursery!

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