Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day to My Sweetheart

We are getting closer to actually meeting this little baby girl I've been toting around for 7+ months. It's hard to believe we are actually going to see her in person in the not-too-distant future! We have been anticipating that moment for so long! As excited as I am, I realize more lately the fact that it will never again be just the two of us. That makes me a little sentimental. I just love my husband so much and like being able to put him first and take care of him as he does for me. While it will be trickier with a baby, I hope he will always know that he is #1 in my life. He is the one that will be there with me when this baby, and her future brothers and sisters, are grown and gone. He is my love and best friend--not to mention the handsomest guy I know. :)

All that being said, I want to give a special shout out to my sweetheart on his very first Father's Day! Sam is already the best dad--he takes care of me and always puts me and my big belly first. :) When I think back over my pregnancy so far, it makes me emotional thinking about what a gem he has been through the ups and downs. He was there when all I could do was hang out on the hard bathroom floor next to the toilet for hours during the first four months of pregnancy. It makes me smile thinking about how, time and time again, he would squeeze in that tiny bathroom to sit on the tile and keep me company while I tried not to throw up. He made dinner and went grocery shopping when I couldn't. He was a good sport about me going to bed at 7pm for months on end--the silver lining there being lots of homework time and great grades for him that semester! He has endured a huge body pillow taking up 1/2 our queen sized bed for the past six months with no complaints. And the list goes on. Point being, he is the best husband and soon-to-be dad around! I am so grateful I have him and so grateful that our baby gets to have him as her dad--we are the luckiest girls.

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