Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pregnancy Update #2: 16-20 Weeks

Looks like we have a little baby GIRL in there! We are so excited!! (They were pretty sure on the gender during the ultrasound at 18 weeks, but we will have our big/anatomy ultrasound scan next Thursday, at 21 weeks, so I guess we will confirm it then.:) It was the best feeling ever to be able to see her wiggling around in there during the ultrasound, and we already think she is pretty darn cute. August can't come soon enough! We are so excited to meet this little girl!

We got together with a bunch of our family to do a fun gender reveal the day of our ultrasound. Sam's sister Carly made this cute cake for us!

Fun picture, catching some reactions to the cake cutting. :) 

16-20 Week Update

How far along: 20 weeks.

Total weight gain: 8 lbs.

Maternity clothes: I can still get by with most of my normal shirts/dresses, but definitely not pants. I recently bought three pairs of leggings from Motherhood, and I live in those :) (and maxi dresses/maxi skirts).

Stretch marks: Not yet.

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well. I have started to get a little insomnia some nights--I will get up to use the bathroom and then can't turn my brain off and fall back asleep. I have also had a hard time training myself to sleep on my side--I have always been a stomach sleeper.

Aches/Pains: I have started having some round-ligament pain and back pain this past week.

Best moment this month: Ultrasound & feeling the baby move for the first time!

Miss anything: Food and a good, super hard workout/run. I am feeling way better nausea-wise, but food is just not the same. I still have lots of aversions and still feel a little queasy most of the time.

Movement: Started feeling little flutters around 16-17 weeks. Recently, about 19 1/2 weeks, started feeling little, tiny kicks--so exciting!

Cravings: Carrots & ranch. Any fresh fruit. Easter candy :) Cereal. Hard boiled eggs & beef jerky...? (so weird for me). Anything sour/tart/vinegary.

Aversions: Any food smells (unless it's something I'm eating that minute; then, it's OK.) Chicken also kind of grosses me out.

Looking forward to: Sam being able to feel the baby kick--we still haven't been able to make that happen yet. Also, I'm looking forward to August. :)

I will add a more recent picture soon because I feel like my belly has grown a ton since this:

16 Weeks

First little pair of p.j.s for our baby girl!


  1. Congratulations on baby girl Roberts! You're going to be a super cute mom.

  2. So fun! You look darling, can't wait to see this beautiful girl!
