Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pregnancy Update #3: 20-24 Weeks

Some fun ultrasound pictures from my 21 week appointment! We already love this little girl so much:

Bathroom selfie at work at 22 weeks!

20-24 Week Update

How far along: 24 weeks.

Total weight gain: 12 pounds

Maternity clothes: Still in about the same situation as last month--I can wear some of my normal shirts but definitely not pants.

Stretch marks: Nope.

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well. (Also, finally got off the Unisom my doctor suggested for nausea around 8 weeks. The first couple times I tried to stop taking it at night, I would feel super nauseous the next day. I was worried that getting off of it might make it harder to sleep, since it is a sleep-aid, but I have been sleeping pretty well.)

Aches/Pains: I have had a little round-ligament pain and back pain off and on since about week 20. I have also had pretty frequent headaches--never super painful, just more annoying. Also just got over a yucky 24 hour stomach flu, which was the pits! Being sick when you're pregnant is the worst.

Best moment this month: More frequent, stronger kicks and movements. And Sam finally feeling the baby kick! You can actually see the kicks from the outside now, which is crazy to watch! Strong little baby in there :) The 21 week ultrasound was also really fun and exciting!

Miss anything: Same stuff as last month--> sleeping on my stomach/ not feeling queasy/ running

Movement: I started feeling movement a little stronger and more consistently around 22 weeks, and the movements have gotten a lot stronger the past two weeks. Some days the baby isn't as active as others, and it always stresses me out. I have to remind myself that she probably just changed position/is sleeping more/etc. :) At my 21 week ultrasound, the ultrasound tech mentioned that the way my placenta is positioned makes it more difficult to feel a lot of movement until the baby is bigger. Not really sure I understand this, but I guess it makes sense.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really in particular. For some reason Cafe Rio/Costa Vida always sounds horrible to me since I've been pregnant. Weird because I normally love it!

Looking forward to: My next doctor appointment, at 26 weeks! I just love being able to hear the heartbeat and make sure everything is looking OK. I will also be doing the glucose test at this appointment and getting my thyroid levels checked since I take medicine for an under-active thyroid.

Sam sends me this text a couple times a week. Always makes me so happy :) He is the greatest and takes such good care of me!

Got this car seat cover for free with a deal I saw on Pinterest a few weeks ago. So excited!

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