Friday, March 14, 2014

Pregnancy Update #1: 0-16 Weeks

We are so excited to announce that we are expecting our first baby in August! I have been MIA on this blog for quite some time, mostly because I've been sick/tired/don't have anything exciting to talk about besides the pregnancy. :) It is nice to be back, and so nice to be able to finally feel comfortable spreading the good news. I am 16 weeks, and my due date is August 25th.

Our ultrasound at about 10 weeks. So fun!

Here are some questions I've been asked a lot:

Q: When/how did you find out?
A: We found out pretty early, when I was about 4 or 5 weeks along. I was feeling a little weird and thought I was probably pregnant, so I started taking at-home tests really early. I just used the really cheapy kind, and they started out with a super faint line the first day and got darker as the days went on. About a week later, I finally bought a few digital tests, just to confirm. We were so excited and ended up telling our parents and siblings about a week later, on Christmas Eve. So fun and exciting!

Digital test taken at about 5 weeks. So exciting!

Q: Was this pregnancy a surprise or planned?
A: Kind of both. We were both anxious to have a baby and hoped to get pregnant around the time we'd been married for a year. It just happened a little quicker than we expected it would. I actually had a very early miscarriage in November, so we weren't expecting to get pregnant again so quickly. We are so grateful, and so excited!

Q: How have you been feeling?
A: I have felt pretty sick most of the time since about six weeks, but I have only thrown up a few times. I know other women have it much worse. I feel pretty nauseous most of the time, super nauseous other times, and sometimes great for some random, wonderful, 2-3 hour stints. I think I am slowly starting to feel a little better, but I am still unsure...I do have some good days here and there, so I'll take it! Honestly, as long as the baby is healthy and well, I will tough out the yucky's worth it!

My aunt Kristi sent me a very thoughtful pregnancy care package :) 

Q: Do you think it's a boy or a girl?
A: My whole family has been positive it is a boy all along, and I think most of Sam's family has been thinking boy too. Recently, Sam and I both had dreams that it is a girl. I haven't really done any of the old wive's tale tests to see one way or the other. We'll see! Either way will be so fun and exciting!

Left is Baby Sam; right is me. Can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or girl!

Q: Are you showing yet?
A: Maybe I will post a picture on here soon. I feel like I do have a belly, but more of a bloated/not cute belly. It will be fun to start having an actual baby-belly!

Q: Any food cravings/aversions?
A: No real cravings...just bland food mostly that doesn't make my stomach sick. LOTS of aversions though, which is weird for me because I am not a picky eater. Foods that gross me out even just to type them on here: Cafe Rio (which I normally love), Mexican food in general, tomatoes, onions, my beloved frozen yogurt, anything super sweet, etc....Food smells/any strong smells and pictures of food/commercials gross me out too.

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