Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2013 Wrap-Up (in March)

I've been a little out of commission for a few months, so here's to documenting 2013 in March! :)

2013 was a huge year for us with lots of milestones and exciting events, and 2014 will bring us our greatest blessing to date--a baby! (More on that later.) Before we move on to documenting 2014, here's to 2013:

January: Got married in the Mt. Timpanogas temple. Such an exciting, wonderful way to start out the year!

February: We got all settled in as newly weds in our cute little house that we love.

March: Ran the Rex Lee Run and stayed busy with school.

April: We spent lots of time with family for General Conference, Easter, and April birthdays.

May: We drove to Arizona for my cousin Cole's wedding.

June: My brother Ben left on his mission to California.

July: I celebrated my 24th birthday; Sam went to Arizona on a house-building service trip to the Navajo reservation; I went to Boise to visit my grandparents; and we both went to Carlsbad, California with Sam's family.

August: We went to Atlanta, ID for a Lee family reunion; I graduated from BYU; Sam took a phlebotomy course and certified as a phlebotomist; we both ran our first half-marathon together; and I started my first full-time job in the BYU MBA office.

September: Sam went back to school full-time at BYU and celebrated his 23rd birthday.

October: We both ran the St. George marathon--the first marathon for both of us.

November: Went to Boise with my family for Thanksgiving.

December: We found out we are expecting our first baby (more on that to come...)! Had a great Christmas in Utah with both sides of the family.

Happy 2014!

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