Monday, December 10, 2012

Finals week when you're getting married in three weeks...

Today I spent hours cleaning out and packing up my room and more hours scanning pictures for a slideshow for the luncheon and reception. We also did really important things like watching Everybody Loves Raymond for an hour and going out to lunch. Then, at 10:00 pm, I suddenly panicked a little that I hadn't studied at all. Luckily, Sam helped me calculate that if I get at least a 40% on my final tomorrow in my Brit. lit. class I will get at least a C in the class. Awesome. My old perfectionist student self cringes at my new attitude toward my grades. I really do love school, but planning a wedding and reading for hours on end just don't mix. Happy Monday!


  1. I can't even imagine planning a wedding AND studying for finals! I'm sure my perfectionist mentality would have slacked a little as well :) Good luck with planning and finals to the both of you!

    1. Thanks Kori! So excited to see you guys SOON!!
