Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sam's New Job

Sam started working at the Utah State Developmental Center the end of July. The USDC is home to men, women, (and a few) children who have both a mental/physical disability (low-IQ) and a psychological condition. Most of these individuals have pretty extreme behavioral outbursts at time and/or need round the clock physical assistance and supervision.

As you can imagine, working at USDC is very up and down, but Sam has found it to an overall rewarding job. We are grateful for the good experience he is getting and the people he has the chance to get to know and interact with. He has learned a lot!

He started out working the afternoon shift (from 1:30 pm-10pm) with Tuesday and Wednesday off each week. He stuck it out with that for a few months, but it was pretty hard (especially because that was during the time I was pretty sick due to pregnancy and felt the worst in the evenings). He was also in a pretty difficult unit of the USDC and would come home pretty drained most days.

He now works as a "float" meaning that he works in different units each day depending on where he is needed. He has liked this a lot better! With this new position, he works mornings (6am-2:30 pm) and has Sunday and Monday off each week. We love this new schedule! It works a lot better for our family, and we especially love that we get to have Sam/Daddy home for dinner, bedtime, and all day on Sundays.

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