Monday, August 3, 2015

Claire @ 11 Months

We couldn't love this little squishy more. She is the best thing that's ever happened to us. I really feel like she is becoming my best little friend, and I am so grateful I get to hang out with her all day, everyday! I really can't imagine doing anything else. Here's a little about our little lady at 11 months old:

Eating: Biggest news is she is doing a lot better with dairy. I stopped pumping last month, and she has been on hypoallergenic formula (Similac Alimentum) since then, and she has done great on that. The last month or so we have started supplementing that with Gerber Goodstart (a regular milk-based formula). She seems to do fine! I only add 2 oz. to each bottle because I still worry about it bothering her tummy, but she doesn't throw it up, so that is big progress for her! The only other side-effect I have noticed is maybe more excema (sp?) on her back, but it's hard to say if that's directly related. She usually drinks 3 bottles a day, totally about 18-20 ounces and eats 3 meals + a couple snacks throughout the day. She generally isn't picky and eats vegetables great, but this last week while she's been sick with croup has been a different story. Hopefully it's just because she's not feeling well and not a new trend...Here is a typical day of meals for her:

  • Breakfast (shortly after she wakes up): 1/2 banana, 1 scrambled egg, and a handful of cheerios
  • 6 oz. bottle after breakfast
  • Snack (before morning nap): graham cracker, strawberries or blueberries, water from a sippy cup
  • Lunch (shortly after her nap): kind of depends on what we have--leftovers, toast w/peanut butter (cut into pieces), frozen peas, steamed mixed veggies, bean burrito cut into pieces, etc.
  • 6 oz. bottle after lunch (I am hoping to do away with this bottle within the next few weeks)
  • Snack (before or after afternoon nap): applesauce and cheerios
  • Dinner (around 6): same as lunch or whatever we're eating. she loves roasted vegetables like sweet potatoes or steamed broccoli. other favorites include meatballs, shredded chicken, and pasta
  • 6-8 oz. bottle before bed @ 8
Sleeping: She had a week of terrible sleep (aka sleeping in bed with me) while she had croup this month but is doing much better now. She usually sleeps from 8:30-7ish and then naps from 10-12 and 3-4 each day. If we stick well to this schedule, she's a champ.

Milestones: This is such a fun age! Here are a few milestones I can think of...
  • Can walk with a little help (just holding one of her hands) and stand independently. Doesn't seem too interested in walking on her own.
  • Tries to talk, but it's pretty hit or miss. Here are some words she's pretty good at right now if she's in the right mood: yuck, hi, daddy, eye, out, down, and meow. She LOVES to say dada and does so all day everyday. :)
  • Loves to point at things and is pretty good at pointing at what you ask her to. Especially loves pointing to the picture of the temple and Jesus in our family room. 
  • Understands most things I say to her and follows directions pretty well if she's in the right mood. Last night, we were in the kitchen and I asked her if she was ready to take a bath. She took off crawling as fast as she could to the bathroom. It was cute. :)
  • As of this week, she now has 4 teeth (2 on bottom, 2 on top)
We love our Claire Bear!!!

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