Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Snap Shot

Here's a snap-shot of our life as of February 2013...

I have learned that I really like to cook. Sam really likes to eat. It works out quite nicely. I make dinner about five nights of the week, and then we usually eat out one night and eat with family one night. Sam is the easiest person to cook for and raves about everything I make, whether it deserves raving or not...I'm learning as I go!

Sam makes our bed most mornings because he knows it's one of my least favorite jobs. He does a much better job than I do anyway.

I have a much lighter school schedule than Sam. He usually does three to four hours of homework a day, and I do one or two hours of homework. He is such a hard worker and a perfectionist when it comes to school--I love that quality about him.

We drink green smoothies for breakfast most days and then pack our lunches. Sam usually brings leftovers and I bring a bunch of snacks--apple, pretzels, string cheese, granola bar, etc. Our schedules are similar, so we meet to each lunch together every day between classes. I love that and will certainly miss it when I'm not at BYU anymore.

Downton Abbey is our favorite show. We also like The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor (me). Really, those are all my favorite shows, and Sam is nice and just watches what I like to watch. He has grown to really like Downton Abbey though!

Costco has become our favorite store. We go every two weeks and get so excited about it. I feel so old shopping it Costco. :) The dark chocolate covered pomegranates are my favorite purchase so far.

I read scriptures out loud on my phone while we drive to school in the morning. We are in a New Testament class together, and it is so fun!

We listen to Les Mis music a lot. Sam sings it in the shower, while he loads the dishwasher, etc...luckily he has a good voice!

Still working on thank you notes from the wedding. :) It's taking a while, but it's really fun to go through and remember all the wonderful things we received and to write everyone a little note. Everyone was so generous! We are still pretty much living off of gift cards.

Our landlords are the sweetest, most thoughtful people ever. They do really wonderful things for us like leaving a bucket of salt and a shovel  on our doorstep when it snowed and taking us with them to the Jazz game.

We try to go to the temple on Saturday afternoons. I especially love going right now because it's the only place my name is officially changed. I still haven't made it to the social security office to switch my name because it's only open on weekdays from 8-3. Hopefully soon!

Watching my brothers' basketball games seems to occupy all of our free time these days. Three brothers on multiple teams = lots of games. I feel like I missed out on so many of their games while I was on my mission, so I like to try to make it to as many as we can.

We got a little book called FHE for Newlyweds, and we have been using it to have FHE most weeks...FHE with just two people is kind of funny. :)

Movie night is my favorite night of the week. The actual day of the week changes depending on our schedules. We make popcorn and have some sort of treat and turn on the fireplace. Heaven.

My favorite place to hang out in our house is right by our fireplace.


  1. Aw I love this post! You guys have such a fun newlywed life! I love that you guys still read scrips, go to temple and do fhe! You are definitely motivating me to be better!

    1. Thanks Kori! :) Miss you guys! If (hopefully when!) you guys move back to Utah, we'll have to get together to have FHE :)

  2. So fun Jordan! I'm glad you are enjoying the newlywed life. Just a heads up, the SS office closes at noon on Wednesdays. I found out the hard way.

    1. Thanks for the info! I'll keep that in mind! We should go to dinner or something sometime with our men :)

  3. I hope you know I am living vicariously through you guys haha. You have such a cute fun life! Keep up all of your fun traditions! Especially watching the bachelor hehe

    1. Haha. Yep, the Bachelor is definitely an important family tradition that we will keep up for years to come! :) Miss you!
