Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Be Mine

I have always loved Valentine's Day. My mom, grandma, and nana always made it a special day for me growing up. My mom always gives several little thoughtful, fun presents; my grandma always sends a sweet card with a surprise, treat, or gift inside; and my nana always gives a basket or bag filled with candy (Valentine's candy is my favorite!) and other little presents. I love celebrating love. :) I'm sure you've seen this quote from Les Mis floating around:

Love it!

This year was hands-down my favorite Valentine's of all time. Sam was super thoughtful and sweet all day. He forgot about our 1 month anniversary, and I joked to him that I'd let him off the hook then but that I'd be really sad if he didn't step it up for Valentine's. The pressure was on. :)

Sam is not really the biggest romantic (neither am I), but he really went above and beyond. He got up early and while I was still sleeping made me breakfast in bed and made (drew?--not sure what verb to use here) me a super hot bubble bath. It was such a relaxing morning! 

My mom dropped off these cute flowers for us:

During lunch, we met up in the Benson building and found a spot in the hall to sit on the floor and watch a few episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond (our fav show) on the laptop while eating leftover taco salad (Sam) and an apple and a turkey sandwich (me). Very romantic lunch indeed. :)

During my Victorian literature class we looked at these darling Valentine's from Victorian England:

We left school and work a little early, around 4, to go to Outback for dinner. We got a giftcard there for our wedding and have been wanting to go ever since, but every time we've tried there's been an hour+ wait. It was great!

After dinner, we decided to go to Bed Bath & Beyond and Macy's (where we still have lots of gift cards) and each pick out a few gifts. Our first stop was Bed Bath & Beyond where we decided to split up, set a timer for 20 minutes, and fill our carts with whatever we wanted. Then we met back up to see what we had gathered and picked a few things each. We did a similar thing at Macy's. It was super funny and really fun. We ended up with some kitchen organization stuff, a nose hair trimmer :), some lipstick, church socks, and a belt. Fun stuff! :)

We stopped at Sweet Tooth Fairy to get some cake bites. Coconut is my favorite right now. Yum.

To finish off the day, we went to my parents' house to watch Ben open his mission call. It was so exciting, and we are so proud of him. He is called to serve in the Ventura California mission and leaves June 19th.

Happy Valentines Day! Love to you all! 

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