Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our Story (in pictures)...

The first pictures I have on my phone with Sam. 
We were babysitting Eleni, and she had strep throat:

But to back up a little bit:

The story of how we met depends on who you talk to. My mom will say that she felt inspired for me to live where I did and to be in that particular ward after I got home from my mission. Sam's mom will say that when she met me at a F.H.E. activity at their home, (Fred, Sam's dad, was in our bishopric) she knew we were going to get married. We hadn't even met! :) She introduced us briefly that night when Sam came home for a minute to get a tennis racket. My uncle Mike and aunt Sharon (who live in Sam's family's ward) also thought of setting us up and were planning to do so. 

All of these factors came together to help us meet, but we really met at institute a few weeks after I moved into the ward. I had been home from my mission for about a month, and Sam had been home since November. Sam said he noticed me when I gave a talk in church my second or third week there. He introduced himself at institute, and we walked home together. I remember thinking he was so nice and easy to talk to and also really handsome. I just felt an immediate connection--we had quite a bit in common, and our families knew each other. I remember calling my mom that night and telling her about him. The next week at institute, he asked me out. I remember I had really made an effort to get ready for institute that night, hoping that I would get to see him. I was wearing a bright green and yellow shirt. I don't remember what he was wearing. :) I made an effort to find him during the refreshments after and was so excited to say yes when he asked me out. 

Our first date, in Sam's words, was a mess. I didn't think so. The important part--enjoying each other's company and getting to know each other--went great. Everything else kind of fell apart though. We went to the creamery to get ice cream and then were going to go the art museum, but it was closed. We then decided to go get a board game from his apartment and go take it to Rock Canyon park to play--it ended up being freezing at the park, so we finally went back to his apartment and played Ticket to Ride with his roommate. Then, he walked me home. We hugged. We both said we should do this again sometime. Even at the time I felt different about that first date than I had about others. I won't say I knew or even thought we would get married, but I felt like there was a lot of potential. :)

We went on dates and hung out quite a bit over the next month or so. I think our second date was meeting to play tennis right by our apartments. I was almost an hour late because I couldn't track down a tennis racket. Sam waited and was still nice when I got there. "I've just been warming up!" he said cheerfully. I just love him. :) Sam held my hand for the first time during a movie we went to with friends from our ward. We were both so nervous that we never moved positions the entire movie. Super sweaty hands and stiff arms by the end, but we were happy. :) 

In July, I asked Sam to come to Lake Powell with my family. We hadn't been dating very long, but my parents said I could bring a friend, and I just figured I'd rather bring Sam than anyone else. It proved to be one of the best decisions I've made! :)

The first picture we ever took together.

By the end of the trip, I think we both knew our relationship was going somewhere. Sam says at this point he knew I was the one he wanted to marry. I'm not sure I'd had that exact thought quite yet, but I was definitely falling in love.

Making pizzas with Sophie the day after we got home from our trip.
Sam didn't shave the whole trip and was growing quite the beard.
 At my cousin Alex's mission homecoming the next day.

The Sunday after we got home from Lake Powell, Sam kissed me for the first time. I was about to leave town for a family reunion, and he said he didn't want to miss the chance when he wouldn't be seeing me the whole week. I was pretty hard to get for that first kiss, poor guy. I was just so nervous ..Then, I left town (with limited cell reception) to hang out with these people (my dad's family) in Southern Utah:
 Everyone knew I had brought a guy to Lake Powell and wanted all the details. 

All I knew was that I was missing him like crazy...
Luckily, he was missing me too.

I got home a few days later, and the rest is pretty much history. 

We (Sam) said "I love you" about a week later after a BYU football game.

About a month later, it was Sam's 22nd bday, and Danny wrote him a note:

Luckily, we were all on the same page. :) 

A few weeks later, it was General Conference weekend, and we got the chance to go to one of the sessions at the Conference Center in Salt Lake.

Meanwhile, Sam was texting back and forth with my mom, trying to figure out the details to get me a ring! My mom tried to get me to look at a website online, and I got mad and wouldn't look at it. I felt like she was trying to plan the whole wedding before we were even engaged. I had no idea Sam was the one who wanted me to look at the website. It all worked out, and a few days later...

...Sam slipped this gorgeous ring on my finger and asked me to be his wife. :)

He proposed at the Thanksgiving Point gardens. I knew it was coming (kind of), but wasn't sure where he had the ring hidden. Turns out the whole box was wedged in his sock. :) We walked around the gardens until he found the perfect spot, and then he popped the question. It was perfect. We ate at Thanksgiving point and then went to go celebrate with both of our families.

October 15, 2012 
(I think...I'm a little unsure about the date. Oops.)

We had only dated for about four months! I always thought I would have to date someone for a least a year in order to feel comfortable enough to even start thinking about marriage, but we both felt so good about it, and it seemed silly to delay the inevitable. 


  1. The pic of you holding Eleni brings tears to my eyes! I feel so grateful that she was so cared and loved for while I was gone, especially when she was sick. Of course your love story brings tears to my eyes too:) You two are so jam adorable!!! (hehehe, how many times do you think I will use that one??) :)

  2. I think I fell in love with Eleni before I fell in love with Sam ;) hahaha. I really loved her right away, and we had so much fun with her while you were in Cali, but I know how hard it was for you to be away from her. It was all worth it though because baby boy will be here so soon! Yay!
    P.S. The "jam" jokes never cease to make me lol :)

  3. Love this post! So fun to read about your courtship and how you fell in love....even though I heard a lot of the details through the grapevine :) Love you guys!
