Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mr. & Mrs.

Today marks our two week anniversary! Married life is the best. Now that we are officially our own little family, I am going to make a concerted effort to update this blog. It really has been a while since we've posted, so here's a quick update:

1. Christmas was great! We hopped back and forth between Lindon and Alpine and had a wonderful time with both of our families. It was especially fun to have Sam's siblings and their families in town, and we hung out with them a lot. Eleni and Daci are both at such fun ages and say the cutest things. Daci was sitting on my lap one day and said, "Ya know, when ya get married, then you're my aunt." :) I am thrilled to have her and Eleni, Livvi, and Street for nieces and a nephew. So fun!

2. We got married on January 2nd in the Mt. Timpanogas temple, and it was a freezing but beautiful day. So many of our family and friends were able to attend, and it was such a wonderful feeling to see so many familiar, loving faces there to support us. Thank you to all who came and all who helped! We haven't gotten our pictures back, but here are a few:
Photo: Loved my brother's wedding, and LOVE his new bride :) Congrats, Jam!

Lots more pictures to come! :)

3. We went on our honeymoon to California and had a great time! We went to Disneyland for a day, drove to Irvine for dinner one night, and went to L.A. one day.

4. We are both back in school and getting settled in our cute little house in Orem. We are so grateful to be renting from the Lisonbees (Sam's sister's husband's parents :)) and are having a great time living close to them. We will post some pictures of our house once we get things put together. 

Again, thank you to all who came to our wedding! (And those who have mailed us gifts and cards!) Your love and support mean so much! We have the greatest family and friends.

Hope everyone is surviving the cold! (We were thrilled to find it a balmy 15 degrees this morning as we drove to school instead of the usual 5 degree weather we've been having this week!)

Danny is taking the cold weather in stride...


  1. my computer is being lamesauce and the only pic I can see is the one of all of us girls! But you look beautiful in the bridesmaid pic, absolutely stunning! I can't believe how cold it is in Utah, looks like we aren't the only ones who will be experiencing a Chicago winter ;)

    1. I think I fixed the pictures! :)

  2. I can't see any of them either, darn it! But I loved reading what you wrote :) We had so much fun being with you guys over the holidays and your wedding was absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for letting me be a part of it!

    1. I think I fixed the pictures! :)
