Tuesday, January 22, 2013

MLK Weekend

I have the best schedule this semester! I have no classes or work on Friday, so Friday equals the following: sleep in (or get up and drive Sam to school, so I can have the car), read, run errands, clean, laundry, homework, groceries, nap, etc. It is so great to have a day to just relax and get stuff done before the weekend really starts, so I can just enjoy Saturday and Sunday. This schedule is even better when we have Monday off--4 day weekend? Yes!

We had a great long weekend, which really started on Thursday night. Sam is taking music 101 this semester to cover a general and is required to go to several concerts on campus, so Thursday evening we went to some sort of dramatic opera singing competition. I will be the first one to admit that I have a serious problem laughing at inopportune moments, and this was one of those occasions. Humor aside (it really wasn't that funny, I'm just immature and find humor in the silliest things), it was a great concert. It was so fun to just sit and enjoy the music.

Friday, Sam went to school, and I stayed home and cleaned/organized our house. It's still a work in progress, and I am having so much fun arranging things and trying to decorate. I love it! Here are some of my favs from Pinterest. Don't you wish you could just magically make Pinterest pictures come to life in your house? I do!

Friday night, we went and did some exchanges and then went to dinner at Mimi's Cafe with a gift card from the wedding. Neither of us had, had a great experience there in the past, but we both ended up liking what we ordered. We went home and ended up playing Super Nintendo for way too long. (We still haven't set up internet/cable, so our entertainment is limited. Donkey Kong Country on the old Super Nintendo is just about the only video game I'll play, so that's what we do. Haha.) We couldn't beat a certain level and refused to quit until we beat it. I felt like the biggest nerd, but it was so much fun!

Saturday morning, we went up to Salt Lake with Sam's mom and dad to meet Grandma Jean (Penny's mom) for lunch for her birthday. She is the sweetest lady! We were ordering, and she insisted on buying our food (Sam and mine) even though Penny and Fred offered to buy everyone's. So cute. We went to Greek City Grill, and the food was so good, for sure the best gyro I've ever had.

After lunch, we stopped at JP furniture to look for some stuff for our house. It was so much fun!

Here is what we ended up getting:

Saturday night, we went to JDawgs with my dad and brothers (a.k.a. the boys ate JDawgs, and I went next door to get frozen yogurt--no matter how hard I try, I can't do hot dogs) before going to the B.Y.U. game. I am a die-hard frozen yogurt eater and will even eat it when it's below 10 degrees outside.

Sunday was really relaxing. We went to church, hung out, read, and napped. Then, we made dinner (soup and rolls) and had both of our families over for dinner! It was so much fun! We borrowed tables and chairs from the church, and it worked out great. I wish I had some good pictures!

Monday, we went to the rec center to work out, then got ready and headed up to Salt Lake to do some returns and go to IKEA. I also forget how much fun IKEA is but also how long it takes to get through there! We ended up getting a cute pillow and some good organizational stuff for our house. When we got home, we headed to Pizza Pie Cafe with my parents and siblings for dinner. Yum! I have only been there twice, but I'm really starting to love that place! We ended the night by watching the Bachelor (me) and doing homework (Sam). It was a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! You are so cute, love your furniture pics, seriously can't wait to see your house!...and we will have to work on you liking j dawgs hehehe ;)
