Sunday, August 13, 2017

Transition to Medical School (Post by Sam)

I have officially completed my first week as a medical student! Orientation week was a whirlwind of every imaginable emotion. It consisted mainly of lectures and breakout sessions intended to prepare the UUSOM class of 2021 for a successful four years of medical school. There was also a day at the UNI ROPES Course and a tour of the cadaver lab thrown into the mix. The whole week was such a barrage of information that it would be impossible for me to fill you in on all the details (nor would you be interested), so instead let me give you some highlights. I would like to share with you three things: something I'm proud of, something that was hard, and something I look forward to. Who knows? I might even stick with this pattern each time I post.

Something I'm proud of: I'm proud of myself for reaching out and making friends with as many people as I could during the week. As a natural introvert, I often freeze in large group settings. At the start of the week, when I saw my 120+ classmates with whom I will be sharing the next four years of blood, sweat, and tears, I felt pretty intimidated. But I put myself out there and got to know people from all walks of life.

Something that was hard: After lunch on the first day, I started to feel a headache come on. It escalated over the next four hours, to the point where I could barely listen to what was being said. Then during the last hour of orientation, I started to feel extremely nauseous. When the day was over, I left the building as quickly as I could. Jordan drove me home and I immediately booked it to the bathroom. I thought for sure I was going to throw up, but I didn't (my twelve-year streak without vomiting continues!). I was able to sleep off the headache and the nausea, but the headache returned every afternoon for the rest of the week. I think I finally realized that it was a tension headache, because when Jordan gave me a neck and shoulder massage it helped me feel much better. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I won't have any headaches next week!

Something I look forward to: Right now I'm excited to start my classes. This is the first time in my life when everything I study will be focused on preparing me to be a doctor. Furthermore, I feel like I can let go of all of the baggage I carried as an undergraduate and start with a clean slate. This semester is pass/fail only, so I can use it as my opportunity to find out which study habits really work for me. Here's to an amazing four years of medical school!

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