Friday, January 6, 2017

Baby #2 Pregnancy Update (Weeks 23-28)

How far along: 28 weeks

Total weight gain: 21 lbs.

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s): I had another ultrasound at 25 weeks and everything looked good! The baby still looks big but not so big that I will need to be induced if I don't want to. I will most likely get induced on March 30th (three days early) if he hasn't come already (which I'm guessing he won't). I also had my glucose test which went well (I think! No news is good news, I'm guessing) and my monthly thyroid test. My next appointment is on Jan. 16th and then I start going to the doctor every two weeks. Time is flying!

Maternity clothes: Yes! I can wear my normal sweats and pajamas and some workout clothes but other than that I wear all maternity stuff, mostly leggings and dresses.

Stretch marks: I got pretty bad stretch marks the very last week I was pregnant with Claire :/ They are still there, but nothing new to report.

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well. I get up once to use the bathroom.

Aches/Pains: I have some round ligament pain (particularly on the right side) here and there, but overall I feel pretty good!

Best moment so far: Seeing how excited Claire is for baby brother to get here and sharing the fun moments of pregnancy with her and Sam. Hopefully she still likes him once he's actually here and she realizes my attention will be divided. That part makes me a little stressed and sad.

Movement: I feel movement all throughout the day, particularly when I drink something cold. I would say he seems a little less active than Claire was generally though. 

I have been super hungry lately and it is such an effort not to eat all the time. Yikes. My main cravings are cereal/toast/treats. I still workout most days, so that helps, but I definitely need to shape up my eating after the holidays.

Looking forward to: My next doctor appointment and starting to get stuff ready around the house for the baby. 

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