Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015!

Christmas was so magical this year with our little Claire bear! Kids make the holidays so much more fun. We had a packed Christmas week filled with fun things. Here's what we did:

Sunday (12/20) - Roberts extended family Christmas party

Monday (12/21) - Visited Grandma Jean (Sam's mom's mom) & went to dinner with Penny & Fred (Sam's mom & dad)

Tuesday (12/22) - Savior of the World w/ my parents, Ben, Danny, & Tara (It was neat to see President Uchtdorf sitting in the row right behind us!)

Wednesday (12/23) - Christmas Eve Eve dinner with the Roberts (Our traditional ham & cherry sauce, funeral potatoes, brussel sprouts, rolls, etc. Yum!)

Thursday (12/24) - Christmas Eve dinner @ Nana Janet's house (my dad's mom) & hot chocolate, Christmas jammies, and movie (Elf) at my parents' house

We like Mike!

Friday (12/25) - Christmas morning at home (woke up to TONS of snow!), a quick stop at the Lees to open presents, Christmas brunch @ the Roberts and gift exchange, a quick stop at home for a nap, Christmas dinner @ the Lees, and last but not least Christmas dessert @ Nana Janet's house. 

Phew!! We were exhausted but loved every minute of our week! We may have to tone it down a little next year. Claire was wiped out, but I have major FOMO (fear of missing out) and just can bear to miss anything with the people I love!

We took Claire sledding for the first time a few days after Christmas, and she surprised us by LOVING it and being a total dare-devil. She would say, "More!?" the second we got to the bottom of the hill even when we spun around or she got snow in her face. So fun!

Excuse all the pictures below of pretty much the same thing. I just love them all and can't bare to narrow them down. 


  1. Your mantle is always spot on with the decor. Looks like Claire really enjoyed her Christmas. She looks so big on that scooter!

  2. Your mantle is always spot on with the decor. Looks like Claire really enjoyed her Christmas. She looks so big on that scooter!
