Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Letter to Claire on Memorial Day 2015

Grandpa is the best!

Stewart Falls!

Visiting Grandpa Rex and Grammie & Grandfather's graves

Classic Claire nervous face: sucking her cheeks in

Dear Claire Bear,

We had such a fun, busy Memorial Day this year, and you were a champ through all the craziness of the day.

Daddy has a new job at ZeroRez for the summer (cleaning carpets), and unfortunately he had to work today, so it was just the two of us. We started out going on our usual run together past the cemetery park. It was raining, so we only made it about 2 miles and then came back.

We did our usual morning routine, and then when you woke up from your nap, Grandma and Grandpa picked us up to go hike Stewart Falls. You rode on Grandpa's back in a hiking back pack, and you did great! There were tons of people and tons of dogs, and you loved seeing everything, especially the dogs. You would giggle and laugh every time we passed one. The Brooks family was with us and also Tara & Danny. It was so fun!

After the hike, we went home for you to take a quick nap and then headed to the cemetery to visit Grandpa Rex's grave. Then, we went to pick up dinner at Cafe Rio and took it back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to eat. Lots of the Lee family was there: Diana's family, Stephanie's family, Christie's family, and Nana & Grandpa Wayne. You loved seeing all the kids and Grandma & Grandpa's fountain in the backyard.

Daddy finally made it back from work in time to hang out for a little bit. You were so happy to see him. He took you in to play the piano with him, and you kept moving his hands off the keys when he'd play so that you could have it all to yourself. It was cracking us up.

Clairey girl, you are just the best. You make every day so happy and fun. Thank you for being my sweet little babe!

Love you forever,


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