Friday, April 10, 2015

Letters to Claire

April 10, 2015

Clairey Bear,

I have had such a fun day with you so far today! You slept through the night like a champ, and we both woke up happy! After I pumped and you drank your bottle, we went on a walk. You were a good girl and stayed happily in your stroller until about the last ten minutes. I knew that might happen, so I brought the Bjorne carrier and strapped you on the front of me for the last little bit of the walk. It was fun having you there cause I could talk to you as we walked. I told you about the flowers, bushes, trees, and cars that we passed. It was a little chilly, and you wore your fleece jammies and a cute little pink hat with a Pom Pom on top. I never want to forget your cute little legs kicking like crazy with excitement as we walked.

When we got home, we played in the family room for a little while and then ate breakfast. You loved picking up Cheerios and little pieces of bananas and strawberries. It was so cute. Then, I gave you a quick bath and put you down for a nap. You didn't take a long nap, but you woke up really happy so I didn't mind.

You just light up my life, little girl! Love you to the moon!


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