Monday, November 10, 2014

Claire's Baby Blessing

We blessed Claire on Sunday November 2nd, 2014 in our ward in Orem (Windsor 6th ward). We felt so grateful to have so much family there to support us. We had my grandparents here from Idaho, my nana and grandpa Wayne, all my siblings (minus Ben), my parents, Sam's grandparents, Sam's parents, and Sam's siblings/spouses/kids. It was a great day! My sister in laws (Carly and Kori) took some notes of the blessing as it was given. So grateful to them for taking notes for us! It's not word for word, but here is what we have:

Name and blessing Claire Sophia Roberts.
I bless you as you grow and develop you will have good influences in your life. 

I bless you that you will look to your parents and family members' examples to help you learn and grow in spirit.
I bless you that you will always strive to do the right thing and to enjoy all the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ has to offer.
I bless you as you grow you will be blessed with the Spirit during all the important decisions in your life that will always bring greater happiness in your life.
I bless you that when the time comes, you will know your decision to serve a mission and to choose a worthy husband in your life.

Claire is not a very colicky baby, but she screamed her lungs out during the blessing! Oh dear. It makes for a memorable day, I guess! :) I think part of the problem was we were running late (I was trying to feed her right before we left), and we pretty much had to run into the chapel, pull her out of her carseat, and take her straight up to be blessed. It was a little too much at once for the poor girl. She was kind of out of sorts the whole day, but we still had a good time. Everyone came over to my parents' house after the blessing for lunch. It was a great day! So grateful for my precious baby, and my wonderful, worthy husband who was able to give Claire her blessing.

4 Generations

Claire with Grandma Julie and Grandpa Kent Johnson

Aunt Tara & Claire

Snuggling with Yia Yia (Sam's mom)

Papou (Sam's Dad), Great-Grandpa Roberts, and Grandpa Wayne

We did some retake pictures the next Sunday since she was so sad the day of...

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