Friday, July 18, 2014

Pregnancy Update #6: 33-34 Weeks

Got our swing all washed and put together! It makes me so happy seeing it in the family room. :)

We also washed and put together our little bassinet. I love it!

Carseat all ready to go! Just need to get it all hooked in the car. 

My cousin Allison made this DARLING cookies for my family baby shower, froze them, and mailed them to me from California because she couldn't be here. Seriously, how cute are they!? And they tasted super yummy too. 

My cute mom, posing with the cookies. :) 

We just had to keep taking pictures of those amazing cookies! This is me at Macaroni Grill where we met for the shower. Got to love the huge wine case behind me. :) 

Opening presents! I got a diaper bag, a video baby monitor, a Baby Bjorn, a baby thermometer & first-aid stuff, a picture for the nursery, and other fun stuff that I'm sure I'm forgetting! 

I have been on a headband/bow making frenzy! So much fun and soooo much cheaper than buying them! Which brings me to my next picture...

We've been working hard to figure out how we're going to make our life work financially without me working full-time this fall. My cute husband planned out a very serious meeting for Family Home Evening last week. I just had to take a picture of him with his fancy white board all ready for our meeting. I love him so much! :)

34 weeks!

Roberts Family Baby Shower. So fun!!

33-34 Week Update

How far along: 34 weeks!

Total weight gain: 25 lbs

Notes from Dr. Appointment(s): My appointment was super quick and uneventful, which is always good! I am measuring at 34 centimeters, still right on track for my due-date (August 29th). My blood pressure was 118/79, and baby's heart-rate was good. I don't go to the doctor again for two more weeks, and then I start going every week! Party!

Maternity clothes: Yes, my wardrobe is shrinking by the week!

Stretch marks: Not yet!

Sleep: Sleeping pretty well. I just get up 237 times (really 3-4) each night to go to the bathroom...Poor Sam, I think I wake him up every time. At least we're getting good practice getting up multiple times a night--I'm actually excited to have a better reason than using the bathroom to wake up all throughout the night! :)

Aches/Pains: I've actually felt pretty good the last two weeks! I have cramps/braxton hicks occasionally but not nearly as bad or frequent as I did at 31-32 weeks. I have also started feeling really out of breath sometimes, which is kind of scary. I think my insides are just getting super squished!

Best moment this month: Baby showers! I have had two showers--one with my family and one with Sam's family, and they were so much fun! I have the best family (including in-laws!) and friends ever! It's been so much fun to start gathering and organizing everything for our baby girl. I have been washing all the clothes and blankets we have, and they are so cute hanging all up in her little closet!

Miss anything: Nothing in particular--just excited to have this baby!

Movement: I would say that her movements have gotten stronger but maybe a little less frequent. I think she's getting a little squished in there. I love it when I feel her move and worry when I don't.

Nothing new to note. I feel like my appetite has maybe decreased a little--there just isn't as much room for food in my stomach these days!

Looking forward to: my birthday, weekly doctor appointments, my neighborhood baby shower, and August! It's getting so close!

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