Thursday, July 3, 2014

Peace from the World

Saturday morning, Sam and I drove to the Timpanogas temple, excited to go to a session. We had just enough time to go before going to his niece's dance recital. We got there...and the parking lot was empty. The temple was closed for maintenance. We really need to check online before we go to the temple because it seems that happens to us a lot. After some deliberation, we decided we really just wanted to make it to the temple, so we drove to Provo and did initiatories so we'd still have time to make it to the recital after. It made me so grateful to have so many temples in close proximity. I really take that for granted most of the time. 

While I sat in the temple, waiting for my turn, I read the Book of Mormon. I am in the beginning of Alma in my reading, such a powerful part of the Book of Mormon. I just felt so much peace there reading the scriptures in the temple--the kind of peace that you don't get out in the world. I will be honest, I have spent much of the time I've been pregnant consumed with worry. I hate that about myself! It is something I am constantly trying to work be more faithful and positive and not worry so much. I will keep trying to be better! But in the temple, I feel peaceful and optimistic--that is what the gospel is all about. It gives us hope and strength to make it through this earthly life. I know it is true! 

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