Monday, September 16, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Our Labor Day Weekend started out not so exciting...Sam already had a bunch of homework (and school hadn't even started!), and I caught a horrible cold. We laid low Friday and Saturday, which felt pretty good for about an hour. I realized I can only watch so much TV. We were supposed to do our 18-mile run on Saturday, but that just was not going to happen, so we postponed it until Monday. Saturday, we listened to the BYU-Virginia game on the radio, I slept, and Sam did homework. By Saturday night, I was feeling a lot better. My parents were out of town (in Virginia for the game, which proved to be quite the let-down), so we had Tara over to hang out on Saturday night and go to church with us the next day. We watched the Proposal, which was funny and cute, albeit with two dumb scenes that made me feel uncomfortable...why do they always have to put those in!? 

Sunday, after church, we went over to the Lisonbees' new house for dinner for Micah's birthday. We had a great time, especially in their fun backyard!

Monday, we ran our 18 miles...It was a really hard run for both of us. I was still feeling pretty sick, and Sam just felt off. We went SUPER slow, and thankfully my dad ran the last six miles with us. He kept us distracted and moving. We were so happy just to finish!

After our run, we had a few hours to recuperate, and then we went to lunch with my dad's side of the family. My Grandpa Wayne is one of the founders of Chuck-a-Rama, so that's where we went. I liked the salad bar, the rolls with honey butter, and the frozen yogurt. We had fun, but were so ready for a nap afterward!

Long run + Lots of food = pure exhaustion.

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