Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hip Hip Hooray!

Today, I celebrate the last day of winter semester! I don't know if the classes I took this semester were extra hard or if I'm just really burnt out, I'm sure some of both, but this semester was rough! So happy to move onto my FINAL two classes at BYU. I am going spring term (end of April-June), and then I will officially be finished! I will walk and receive my diploma in August. Hip Hip Hooray!

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to attend college because it has taught me how to think critically and to appreciate the world around me. I have told several people lately that I regret not putting my whole heart into school while at BYU. I still feel that to some extent, but after thinking more about it, I feel satisfied with my time at BYU. (I know I'm still speaking a little prematurely as I have about 8 more weeks to fully soak up my full-time student status.)

I moved into the dorms my freshman year and felt so homesick and overwhelmed I thought I would never make it through the year. Turns out that first semester proved to be my best as far as grades are concerned. My sophomore year, I did several internships, including one that got me a job at the Writing Center where I've worked off and on for the past four years. My junior year, I applied and got accepted to the English teaching major and then decided to go on a mission. (Read more about that here.) Since returning from my mission and jumping back into school, I have had a very busy, preoccupied (and fun, wonderful) senior year because I met, dated, and married my husband.

When I look back at all of that, I feel like my time at BYU has definitely been worthwhile and is something I am proud of--even if my dad, while editing my resume a few days ago, kindly suggested I remove my GPA because "it is not one of my strong selling points." Yep, not the best GPA, but I am getting a diploma, and I will always have a very special place in my heart for BYU. My family has so much history here, and now I do too.

Some pictures from the past few weeks:

Tara and Danny turned 12 on April 6th, so Danny got to go to Priesthood for the first time. Lucky boy to have all those guys to take him!

Tara got approved to go on toe shoes, and I got to go with her to the fitting. Cutest girl!

My mom, Tara, and I went and got pedicures for her birthday. Lovely picture of me, but I just love Tara in it, so I had to include it. Not sure what I was doing...probably trying to tell my mom how to use the camera :)

I love General Conference so much and look forward to it every year. I love the traditions that surround it and all of the great family time. I couldn't help but snap a few pictures while we watched. So fun to be with all my siblings. I'm going to miss Ben so much when he leaves in June (on a mission).

For Tara's b-day party, I taught her how to make these fun tissue paper pom-pom flowers. They are fun, cheap, and easy.

1 comment:

  1. YAY Jordan!! Only one more to go and you are done!! YAY!! Love the pics! Tara is so cute:) You are so cute:) Love you!!
