Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring has Sprung

Summer will always be my favorite season (can't beat consistent sunshine, heat, vacations, swimming, boating, BBQs, etc.), but spring is a close contender due to the beautiful weather, Easter, General Conference, etc.

Thanks to the nice weather, Sam and I have been having fun running outside together lately. Today, we went for a quick 3 mile run in between classes. The sun was shining, and I even got a little sunburn on my face. It felt sooo good.

After our run, we were talking about the emotional and physical ups and downs of running. You start out tired and sometimes feel that way for the whole run, but the way you feel afterward when the endorphins kick in makes it worth it.

I really felt that today: I was hungry, had a side-ache, and just felt exhausted the whole time I was running. But by the time we got back to the car and started stretching, I felt like the happiest person. "That was so much fun!" I found myself saying, and I really felt like it had been.

This little experience reminded me of a life lesson that I feel I need to remind myself of constantly these days: Anything good in life is worth working for.

I am trudging pessimistically through my last few months of school right now, and I have to keep reminding myself how good it will feel in the end when I receive that diploma.

When I reflect back on the some of the things I have worked hard for (in one way or another)--my high school diploma, my mission, and finding and marrying my husband--it makes the things I want to work toward--graduating from BYU, finding a real job, running a half-marathon, having a baby, etc.--feel less daunting. I know that each of these goals will present challenges and require work, but remembering anything good in life is worth working for helps me stay motivated and excited about life!

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